23rd October 2023 with Mary Ward

Mary Ward, the founder of our congregation, was born on a 23rd – 23 January 1585. So we have designated the 23rd of each month as a special day of remembrance for Mary Ward. Sisters of her Institute, companions and friends of Mary Ward worldwide unite on these days across all geographical boundaries in memory

Good news from Osgodby Manor

Anna Stafford of the English Province (CJ), shared with us the following: “Recently I took Sr. Britta to visit Mary Ward places in East Yorkshire. To my surprise this notice has been placed outside Osgodby Manor where Mary Ward first heard the call to religious life. I spoke to the owner of the Manor, Peter

Extended Leadership Programme online

27-29 September 2023 We are very grateful to the general leadership team for organizing the online Extended Leadership Council Meeting. The facilitators, Fr. David McCallum SJ and Sandra Chaoul invited us “To Celebrate Our Call“ to Become a “Discerning Body in Service of Our CJ Mission and Charism”. It gave us a platform to  share