
Mary Ward Week 2024: Day 4

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Who is this woman? O take my hand and walk with me!

Mary Ward, defined by Pope John Paul II as the “perfect woman”, has always been on the move. She has been on both a physical and spiritual journey, searching, discerning what is right, and “pursuing her dream to its end”.

Today Mary Ward walks with me (taking my hand) if I am willing not to be afraid to bear witness to Christ in everyday life. Mary Ward walks with me as I go forth with courage, “Speaking the truth, trusting in God, acting for freedom and justice”.

Mary Ward teaches us in her letters the way of synodality with which she has carried out the new role of women in the Catholic Church: no longer cloistered monasteries but on a journey around the world to evangelize and educate!

As a layman, husband, father of four children, lawyer, I, with Mary Ward, who takes my hand and walks with me, in my ordinary life, try to “do good and do it well”. However, it is difficult and a continuous struggle. “In fact I do not do the good that I want, but the evil that I do not want.” (Rom 7, 18-20).
I need the sacraments, an intense spiritual and prayer life, and the sisters of Mary Ward to help me in discernment, in formation and by their example to encourage me to be a witness to Christ.

Even today Mary Ward tells us laymen that “God gives each one the grace required by the state to which God calls each person” (Alloc. F. 128 u. f. 47, Fridl II, nr. 479, p. 87).

Walking with Mary Ward, the CJ and IBVM sisters are now Becoming One!

I would like, as a layman, to also join Mary Ward, who takes my hand, as we Become One.

I truly believe that, if Mary Ward’s transcendental challenge was wanting to recognize the role of women within the Catholic Church, today Mary Ward would fight to incorporate the laity into the congregation that she founded and evangelize Europe. Together with the laity to continue to create schools, many schools, because schools are today what monasteries were in the Middle Ages: the place where the truth is transmitted to subsequent generations, by example, teaching truth and beauty.
Maurizio Borra

Inspired by a deep calling to work for the greater glory of God, beyond the confines of a convent, Mary Ward set out to pursue her dream of offering a new vision to the young girls of her era. Overcoming obstacles, Mary Ward believed that “Women in time will come to do much”. It is this certainty that lives within me as a teacher in a Loreto college in Mauritius.

I share this image where you can see the students who are in their school uniform surrounding Mary Ward. In this painting, we see Mary Ward with one hand towards the girls and the other raised. This shows that Mary Ward is offering a hand to lift the girls up. The white bird represents the Holy Spirit. The blue sky shows the sky of Mauritius and the trees shows the beauty of nature in Mauritius.
I share this image where you can see the students who are in their school uniform surrounding Mary Ward. In this painting, we see Mary Ward with one hand towards the girls and the other raised. This shows that Mary Ward is offering a hand to lift the girls up. The white bird represents the Holy Spirit. The blue sky shows the sky of Mauritius and the trees shows the beauty of nature in Mauritius.

“O take my hand and walk with me”, Mary Ward, as I accomplish my mission with these young girls entrusted to me. Inspired by Mary Ward’s strength of spirit and her love of the Lord I walk like her, spirited and strong, offering to these young girls coming from different cultures, beliefs and socioeconomic backgrounds an education with Christian values. These values transform our Loreto girls and empower them to be seekers of truth and doers of justice, to stand up for what they believe, but most importantly to do all things for the greater glory of God.

Mary Ward’s strength and faith in bringing God’s love beyond borders paved the way for the young women of yesterday, today and tomorrow. Even today we can be that woman who fights for what she believes. When the teaching profession becomes difficult with today’s realities, when the challenges of everyday life overwhelm me, I think of this woman who steps up to face life’s challenges. Like her I step up without fear because I know that all will be well, for God is near!

Julia Charles

For reflection

What does it mean in your life and context when Mary Ward says, “take my hand and walk with me”?
With whom are you walking in your everyday life?
Who else is encouraging you on the journey?

Share your reflection on the Padlet by clicking on the link:

Esther Finis